Webb Family Reunion

August 9 - 12, 2001

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(Last names are assumed to be Webb unless given explicitly)

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Go to pages:
Thursday August 9
Friday August 10
Saturday August 11 and Sunday August 12

The 5th reunion (since 1985) of the descendants of Sawney and Emma Webb was held near Chapel Hill, N.C., on August 9-12, 2001 at Camp New Hope. Sawney was born about thirty miles north of Chapel Hill, near Surl, and moved to Oaks, about twenty minutes from our camp headquarters, when he was just a few years old. His father and mother and many other relatives are buried in Oaks at the Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, about half a mile from their home.

 Dogwood Lodge was our headquarters during the reunion.


Clockwise from 8:00: Kandy, Greg, Margaret and Creed Reagan, Tom, Joan, Sally, Joanne, Matt Price, Sandy Price, Theresa Jackson, Bill

 People started arriving on Thursday afternoon and evening. After supper, we gathered in Dogwood to say hello, review plans for the next few days, and update each other on our lives for the past three years.


Gabe Williams with Rosanna Williams outside

Bill with Ed Price

Joan, Emily da Silveira, Sally, and Tom

Kandy, Gregg, Margaret and Creed Reagan

Go to pages:
Thursday August 9
Friday August 10
Saturday August 11 and Sunday August 12